Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It's funny how much things can change since my post of what I wanted. The dress on Ebay I got way outbid on. The shoes I decided I didn't want. But I did find a couple pairs I really liked, and I already ordered them and they are on their way.
Pair one...
My husband's favorite color is yellow. So, naturally, I have quite a few yellow things, and one of the reasons I had to get these. Plus, they are wedges. Wedges seem really in right now and are cute, and I don't have a pair so that's another reason I had to get these. I didn't get the other shoes, which were vintage and I thought hard to match stuff with, but these are a nice mix of vintage and modern I think. And for 12$ on sale, can't beat that :D
Pair two...
My hardcore pair. I do not have any wedges, so I was glad to find these, and they are kind of hardcore, more than light and girly and I NEED a pair like that, to go with my military attire, and some of my new outfit ideas. Like a floral dress with a leather jacket and these. But I also need a leather jacket :D Working on that...
I also bought a couple skinny belts, in light blue and white, so hopefully I can add them to my outfits soon.
Anyway I hope you like my new shoes. I already have a list of things I need for next week..


  1. && yerr one of the few people who looks good in yellow.
    it makes me look gross, but i love yellow with red hair.

    ..and i would totally steal the second pair of shoes from you:)

  2. :P come and get them haha
    and thanks! I love yellow but it sucks I can't really pull off orange or red lol

  3. orange makes me look ILL. lol.

    i think we need to go shopping together.

  4. ahh wedges. the best type of shoe ever invented in my opinion, height without too much pain!
    Scrapbook de la Emma

  5. Are wedges comfy? I'm super excited for mine!!
    And Kate, yes we do haha
